Motor stator into the casing usually adopts the hot sleeve method, that is, after the casing is heated rapidly, the casing will expand when heated, and the inner diameter will become larger, so that it can be packaged with the stator, which is also the best assembly method at present. Whether it is through-hole casing or blind hole aluminum casing, it can be hot jacketed into the shell. Double station heating machine can be used for both sides of the main unit, and there are only two sets of single position heating machine for the main unit, and there are only two sets of single position heating machine for both sides. The motor shell heater can quickly heat the aluminum shell of stretch profile, die casting aluminum shell, steel plate shell and stainless steel shell. When the shell is heated to 180 degrees, the inner hole of the shell will expand by about 0.3-0.4 mm. It is easy to assemble the spindle.
"zhuangyuan"motor aluminum shell heater has strong fatigue resistance and can be used continuously for a long time with long service life and low failure rate. Stator hot casing machine ,Motor base heater.Heat and expand the casing and install it into the stator.Manufacturer of induction heating equipment. China Changzhou zhuangyuan Electric Appliance Manufacturing Co., Ltd |
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